Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve

 Are any of these for me? I think I can smell a dog treat. 

He is serving up the creamy dessert. I'll have some of that too, please.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Countdown

I am told that in Iceland there are thirteen naughty Christmas trolls, called Jólasveinar. They used to be bad, but have turned nice, started dressing like Santa, and nowadays they put gifts in shoes which Icelandic kids put in their window every evening for the last 13 days before Christmas. In our half-Icelandic household the dog gets a treat wrapped in fancy paper every night after dinner.  I enjoy that tradition, and know where to look. 

Saturday, December 04, 2010

It's been snowing

I have always been a cold weather dog, so I like this. The human members of my family don't agree, they keep wishing it would go away.
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Friday, November 26, 2010


We saw the vet again yesterday.  I trembled like a leaf while we were in the waiting room, and to make it even worse this big collie came. I have never liked collies. The vet checked me over and gave me new pills. Pills mean bigger dinners (to hide them in) or even pieces of cheese to disguise them. Not too bad.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

New pictures

This is me this afternoon, telling them to take me out for a walk and I always get what I ask for. 

Happy and relaxed, until it is time for my next dinner.

 I am beautiful.

Tearing up empty cereal boxes is one of my favourite occupations. I always get a box of some sort after my dinner, with a treat inside. Mom thinks that working on a cardboard box is good for cleaning my teeth and gums. 

Autumn. This would have been a good photo for a Halloween card. Scary.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Feeling better

They thought my end was near last Thursday when I suddenly became very ill. I was very hot and restless and would not even eat, and that means I am not myself at all.  I was carried out to the car and rushed to see the vet, who poked a thermometer up my behind and gave me a couple of  jabs. A few hours later I was able to eat a bit of chicken and yesterday I felt as if nothing had happened. They are shattered, however, and I get every treat I ask for.

Monday, October 11, 2010

After dinner

When I have had my evening meal (never after breakfast or lunch) I get a sudden burst of energy. When I was young I would run madly about the house and garden, challenging them to a ball game or a tug-of-war, or I would fiercely attack a toy and rip it to shreds. Nowadays I still feel the urge to have a little game when I am full and happy. 

Monday, October 04, 2010

Are you talking to me?

Here I am, feeling good, enjoying the autumn. Cooler days have always suited me best.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Me in the sea!

I am as good as new, and today we went for a little walk by the Clyde.  


The vet told them to rub the scar on my belly with baby oil to help it heal nicely. That is soooo nice.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Check-up

The problem is never knowing where you will end up when you are taken along for a car ride. Often it is a nice place, like the riverside, a  park or even an interesting car park with lots of smells. Yesterday I found myself at the vet´s again. She poked me and checked me all over, weighed me and told them what I know, that I am well healed and fine, but also that I am now too fat. Then she gave me a biscuit, which I refused to accept until we were on the pavement outside. 

Friday, August 27, 2010


This afternoon we went for a little trip and I enjoyed the fresh air. They thought I deserved a treat after the morning's ordeal at the vets. They put me on my side and held me down - and removed the stitches from my belly. Now I do not need the big lampshade collar any more.  I can lick myself again!

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Big Collar

Look what they are making me wear. I do not like this big collar at all. They say I bit off half of the drain the vet left in my wound - well, there was this bit hanging out of me, I did give it a good tug when they were not looking.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Feeling a bit poorly

4 am, morning after my op. What is "mom" doing up just sitting there, watching me? Handy, because if I moan, there is a cuddle and even a biscuit, cause my appetite is back. Well, it never went away, because the first thing they did when I woke up at the doggie "hospital" yesterday was to eat a meal they offered me. A dog is not allowed to go home until it has eaten something. Then I had a good dinner at home, and a snack later. How about a little early breakfast, now?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Back home

A very drowsy Tess is back home, with a big scar on her belly. The vet said the operation went well. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Thank you all for your good wishes. We are really worried, but this op is the only alternative. It is risky, considering Tess' age. 
This evening and tomorrow morning Tess must not be fed. That is an ordeal, because food is so very important to her.

Went to see the vet - again

Fortunately I do not know it, but my tumour is to be removed tomorrow.  I know my friends will be thinking of me.

Sunday, August 08, 2010


 An old, wise dog seeks the shade on a sunny day. When I was younger I just sat in the sun and suffered.

A siesta on the sofa. That plaster is a nuisance. I take them off so fast that they go through a pack a day.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Why am I wearing a "bra"?

That nasty tumour I have is acting up again. It is pills for breakfast and dinner for me these days, and they keep trying to dress my abscess with plasters - which I have become quite an expert at tearing off immediately. This is the latest: A specially designed "bra" that "mom"  has knitted for me. It will be fun to tear that up.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I found a bit of shade

When the sun is a bit hot on my black coat I look for shade. On top of the flowers? Well, it IS cool here.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Why have they tied a scarf around my belly? Well, I have this growth in one of my mammaries, and it has become infected again. There have pink pills in my dinner lately, not that I notice, I swallow everything they put in by bowl, and there has been a lot of fuss about keeping my underside clean. All part of being an old dog, I suppose.
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Good Morning!



This is me just coming back from my early morning sniff around. Now I would like to have a good drink of cold water and a treat, please.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Too hot for a black dog

There have been too many hot and sunny days. Fortunately we know of a little stream nearby where a dog can cool down. We have been going there a lot.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Waiting for the postman

I like to sit in front of our house, right at the curb, and watch all the comings and goings in the street. Especially in the mornings, when I can be the first to see the postman approacing, and get to bark and growl a bit before they come running to rescue him.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Too hot

It is not even summer yet, but I find it too warm these days. I am a cold weather dog.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Old Dog Walking

Just to tell you that I am still around. Walking is not as easy as it used to be, but I do like my regular outings, even if it is only for a sniff. My main passion in life has not diminished with age. Food.  I always know when and where there might be a treat to be had, and I start whining for my meals half an hour before they are due.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

First swim of the year

Suddenly it is warm again, and we all went for a little woodland walk, where it is cool and there is a stream for a dog to have a swim.

I got my fancy new collar wet. So what!

I like this place. I think mr Fox may live around here.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Old dog chases cat

Early this morning, as we came out of the back door, I saw the neighbours' cat lurking under a hedge, and up to no good as usual. I chased it away, but that was all I could manage. My walk had to be cut short, and I have spent the rest of the morning resting.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My days

Sunday afternoon. Did I hear someone say something about "going" ???  That is a word I understand well. I also know the difference between "car"  (nice, we are going somewhere) and "cat" (grrrrrrr), and "is Tess hungry?" is the best of all, because that means it is dinner time.

After my dinner I always feel playful.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

The fine art of moaning

I find that moaning can be an effective  way to get extra treats, and I have got it down to a fine art. My dinner is alway served first, before they sit down to theirs. I gobble mine up and then I crawl under the table and start my moaning. This irritates them no end - so much that the occasional piece of meat, fish or potato gets handed to me, to quiet me down.  It is a great method.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

My funny ways

We are getting ready to go out, but I manged to grab mom's woollen hat and will not let go of it.  Just teasing her.

This is how I relax best in the evening. Upside down on the old sofa.

Friday, February 19, 2010

I also got this lovely soft blanket for my birthday.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Birthday cake!!!!!

I got a posh collar and lead.

Diamond studded, of course.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Same place, same dog, ten years apart. Left, Feb. 12 2000: Right. Feb 12 2010.

Birthday Portrait

This is my official birthday portrait. After our outing there will be some more, as "mom" has two cameras now.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Tomorrow is the 12th of February. My Birthday! I will be 12 years old. I think they have something planned. I think we may go to the beach, and I think there may be roast chicken for dinner. 

Ah, the Sun

It is freezing cold so a dog needs to be well wrapped up to enjoy the sun.

I cannot jump onto the sofa so easily any more. Will someone help me here, please!