Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Feeling a bit poorly

4 am, morning after my op. What is "mom" doing up just sitting there, watching me? Handy, because if I moan, there is a cuddle and even a biscuit, cause my appetite is back. Well, it never went away, because the first thing they did when I woke up at the doggie "hospital" yesterday was to eat a meal they offered me. A dog is not allowed to go home until it has eaten something. Then I had a good dinner at home, and a snack later. How about a little early breakfast, now?


sandrajs1974 said...

A girl has to keep her strength up after a traumatic day. A nice snuggle with mom while she catches up with her sleep will be good for both of you too.
Love and hugs

Kathy said...

Poor Tess! Lots of cuddles and treats needed now to build you up again!
Love Inca xxx

Anonymous said...

Dear Tess, keep up the good work building your strength back.
Glad you have such a loving mom that she will stay up with you through the night.
Sending you lots of wags and sniffy kisses to cheer you up. Roddy black lab. xx

Heather said...

Good girl Tess ! - thats the spirit - love,hugs and licks from Corrie the black lab xxx