Friday, August 27, 2010


This afternoon we went for a little trip and I enjoyed the fresh air. They thought I deserved a treat after the morning's ordeal at the vets. They put me on my side and held me down - and removed the stitches from my belly. Now I do not need the big lampshade collar any more.  I can lick myself again!

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Big Collar

Look what they are making me wear. I do not like this big collar at all. They say I bit off half of the drain the vet left in my wound - well, there was this bit hanging out of me, I did give it a good tug when they were not looking.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Feeling a bit poorly

4 am, morning after my op. What is "mom" doing up just sitting there, watching me? Handy, because if I moan, there is a cuddle and even a biscuit, cause my appetite is back. Well, it never went away, because the first thing they did when I woke up at the doggie "hospital" yesterday was to eat a meal they offered me. A dog is not allowed to go home until it has eaten something. Then I had a good dinner at home, and a snack later. How about a little early breakfast, now?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Back home

A very drowsy Tess is back home, with a big scar on her belly. The vet said the operation went well. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Thank you all for your good wishes. We are really worried, but this op is the only alternative. It is risky, considering Tess' age. 
This evening and tomorrow morning Tess must not be fed. That is an ordeal, because food is so very important to her.

Went to see the vet - again

Fortunately I do not know it, but my tumour is to be removed tomorrow.  I know my friends will be thinking of me.

Sunday, August 08, 2010


 An old, wise dog seeks the shade on a sunny day. When I was younger I just sat in the sun and suffered.

A siesta on the sofa. That plaster is a nuisance. I take them off so fast that they go through a pack a day.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Why am I wearing a "bra"?

That nasty tumour I have is acting up again. It is pills for breakfast and dinner for me these days, and they keep trying to dress my abscess with plasters - which I have become quite an expert at tearing off immediately. This is the latest: A specially designed "bra" that "mom"  has knitted for me. It will be fun to tear that up.