Super day out. I had no idea where we were going, but they took me to a new place where there was a woodland walk. We went along a path and up a steep hill and down on the other side and suddenly we were on a little sandy beach at the lakeside. Just the thing for a hot and thirsty dog. I saw something strange there, though. A
human went for a swim. I have never seen one do that before. You bet I barked at him. When we got back to the car I got rubbed dry and they gave me fresh water and biscuits. I slept all the way home. Great outing. They must have felt I was due a treat, being such a good dog.
Sooooo Cute!
How is Tess doing? saw from another blogger that she had poorly skin and bumps that you are having tested. Hope you dont mind me asking. Helen (Roddy's Mum)
Thanks for asking Helen. Tess saw the vet last week, and is now on antibiotics and antifungal pills. She gets a pill three times a day! Thankfully she is a typical greedy lab, and just gobbles them up with her food. We will see the vet again on Friday, and if her skin condition is clear he will schedule an operation to remove the lump. It is stressful having an old dog!
Good news. As for old however, you would need to look at Tess's ancestors to see what their average life span was.
Average life span here in Canada is 12-15 years, with reports of 17 years not unknown. Unless the lump is of the type we dread you'll likely have her for a good while yet. They do start slowing down after 10 years of age( there are exceptions of course).
Best wishes,and a wag of My Sam's tail for the both of you and Tess,
Tor.Ont. Can.
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