Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Me in the sea!

I am as good as new, and today we went for a little walk by the Clyde.  


The vet told them to rub the scar on my belly with baby oil to help it heal nicely. That is soooo nice.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Check-up

The problem is never knowing where you will end up when you are taken along for a car ride. Often it is a nice place, like the riverside, a  park or even an interesting car park with lots of smells. Yesterday I found myself at the vet´s again. She poked me and checked me all over, weighed me and told them what I know, that I am well healed and fine, but also that I am now too fat. Then she gave me a biscuit, which I refused to accept until we were on the pavement outside.